Musings of an Indian teen

Monday, October 31, 2005

Slow down...

If life is a road,
You entered it just for a leisurely stroll,
You stopped by every flower,
Admired every shade from green to gold.

Different hues hailed you from the heavens,
Golden rays danced on your face,
A rhythm played in your limbs,
As you hearkened to the music of the waves.

Then you realised you are not alone,
Others walked the path beside you.
You made your closest friends,
Stood up for each of them,
Laughed at their corny jokes.
You learnt the meaning of love and loyalty,
As you casually glanced at the milestones,
But you no longer saw the little flowers near them.

Colors careen past in a glittering kaleidoscope,
Granting visions of paradise itself,
But you whip past racing to an unknown destination,
Overcome by a need to be ahead of the rest,
Your eyes now see only the white line and the tar,
Your ears only hear others' criticisms,
Your mind is pre-occupied with visions Of what lays beyond the finish line.
Your heart is thudding and your head pounds,Your hands and legs churning,
Pushing you on and on.

Then you suddenly realise
The last time you ever behaved silly
Seems a long long time ago,
And the place you want to get to
Just does not exist.

So all you have now
Is the spot you are standing in,
And in that moment you stop to reflect,
You turn towards the west
The brilliant panorama of the setting sun.
Memories come flooding in,
And you smile for once again
You see the small flowers by the mile stone.